Equal parts poet, troubadour and rock star, Van Morrison has penned some of our favorite songs of all time. Tupelo Honey, Crazy Love, Call Me Up in Dreamland… pretty much anything from his Moondance album. His lyrics read like poetry — and poets and writers like Edna O’Brien and Ian Rankin have all performed his work on stage. Certainly one of the most prolific artists, the Irishman known sometimes as the Belfast Cowboy has released over 30 albums in almost 50 years and is set to release another this year. Which hopefully means he’ll be touring soon. Tory’s favorite concert and one of her fondest memories was around 15 years ago when she and her stepdaughters saw Van Morrison play at a little dive bar in Paris.

Albums clockwise from top left: Saint Dominic’s Preview, 1972; Veedon Fleece, 1974; Moondance, 1970; Bang Masters, 1991; Blowin’ Your Mind!, 1967

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